We know we’ve been quiet at times since we announced Star Trek: Resurgence at The Game Awards in December… 2021. You can rest assured we never stopped working on the game, but obviously we all expected it to be released by now. So why the delays?

The short answer is because we are a relatively small development team, making a pretty big game, and that has been keeping us very busy!
As you might know, we had initially hoped to have the game out in “Spring 2022,” but it is now “Spring 2023.” What happened? Honestly, our initial target was just too aggressive. We were very excited to get Star Trek: Resurgence to everyone as fast as we could, but this is our first game as Dramatic Labs, and our first game built with the Unreal Engine. And along the way it became clear the game wouldn't be what we wanted if we kept that release window.
We considered trying to hit the holiday season for 2022, but we decided that, if we were going to change the date, we should do it to make the best game we could. Not to meet some arbitrary marketing timeline. That’s why we reset for a Spring 2023 release and now we're excited to finally announce a date: May 23, 2023!

Lastly, you might want to know why we’ve been so quiet along the way. We’ve primarily been putting our efforts into getting across the finish line. Trailers, dev diaries, and social media take time away from actually working on the game. We also didn’t want to announce a new release date without having a good idea of when we would deliver the game to you. We did preview the game for press at various points along the way and got some great media coverage and we had a blast playing through a scene with the audience at our Comic Con panel in San Diego.
That said, we realize we could have done a better job of keeping you all in the loop. But now that Star Trek: Resurgence is this close to being in your hands, you’ll be hearing much more from us. We can’t wait for you to join the crew of the U.S.S. Resolute and play the game!
Live Long and Prosper,
The Dramatic Labs Team